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This page last modified on 1-6-2024
The Midget Stallion x Jason's Mare (by The Lottery Horse)
2005 Imported Black and White Homozygous (tobiano) Mare
GVHS and GHRA registered 13.3 hh pssm negative
Black - Homozygous Tobiano - Homozygous
Sabino - negative Agouti - negative
Emmy, is our reigning Queen. She was imported from Wales, and hails straight out of the heart of, master horse breeder, Tom Price's, elite herd. She was ever so carefully chosen to carry on in the tradition in which captures the essence of the true traditional Gypsy Horse. She is absolutely Stunning! From the tips of her little ears to the bottom of her heavily feathered legs, she is the epitomy of a true Gypsy's mare! We look forward to many more years with this special little mare! She's has produced four gorgeous fillies (three remain here) and three outstanding colts, one is already a multi champion beating out tough "known" stallions twice his age!

Emmy and her March 2015 colt (Highway Blues) by Highway Star.
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Emmy had her last foal (Miss Lizzy, named after Dr. Liz Nelson who worked tirelessly to save Emmy) by Highway Star on July 18th, 2019. After her filly was born, Emmy started to fail and couldn't even eat. Her system was shutting down quickly. She was taken to San Luis Rey Equine Hospital with little hope of her survival. She spent almost 3 weeks in intensive care, where she actually began to improve. She was eventually strong enough to transport home, where she made a full recovery! To this day, the veterinarians couldn't quite figure out why she declined so quickly and almost died. She is back to herself and doing well! While we don't ever plan to have any more foals out of her, ET's aren't completely out of the picture, so we may see a couple more Emmy foals on the ranch! We aren't positive that we're going to do that and if she never has has another foal, we're fine with that and are just very grateful to have her back to herself!