Foundation Lines
Imported Blue Eyed Homozygous (TT ) Mare
Foaled 2001 13.3 hands
GHRA Registered
Black - Single Red Gene, Single Black Gene Tobiano - Homozygous Sabino - negative Agouti - negative Silver - negative
This little mare just wreaks Gypsy type! She embodies the traditional Gypsy Horse to a tee. She's produced fabulous offspring too! She's also one of the gentlest soul on the planet. To add to her perfection, she has a stunning head with blue eyes! We can put the most novice rider on her and trust that she'll be gentle ans take care of them. She's also well broke to the cart, and she has an awesome road trot!

Lydia's fabulous offspring below.
The coveted Nala! A fabulous example of Lydia's ability to produce! Photo kindly supplied by Jennifer Wilkening.
Royal Apolloette, another fine example of what Lydia produces!
Heavenly Star. Lydia's stunning 2012 Highway Star daughter. She has her own page on this site.
Lydia's 2015 filly by Highway Star. She is absolutely breathtaking! And what a mare she's turned out to be!!
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This page last modified on 1-1-2025
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