Baby Reign

Highway Star  x  Emmy

2012  Black Tobiano TT Mare ,  2 blue eyes                                Foaled on April 14th, 2012           

GVHS  Registered

This girl here has grown into a tank of a mare!  There's not much I don't love about her.  Our golden cross.  This is the cross that also  produced All Star (multi-champion Gypsy stallion).  We also have a young stallion that's a full brother to Reign and two full sisters, all  here!

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Reign's sire, Highway Star

This page last modified on 1-1-2025

Reign's dam, Emmy

Click on the photo below to return to the Gypsy Horses Page!

 Exciting News!  Reign has been bred back to Indigo's Royal Twilight for a  2025  foal!!