Miniature Horses
Foaled 4/21/2006
This is a really cute Champagne mare! Very sweet and loving, always under my feet trying to get attention. She is TRIPLE registered with the AMHA, AMHR and ICHR. I think she is B size now. She is broke to drive. She has also produced some very nice foals! MORE PICS SOON!
HHH Champagne Apple of my Eye
Absolutely darling little bay pinto mare with a gorgeous head and blue eyes! She has a very nice topline and is correct and refined. Gorgeous head! Sired by a multi Natl. Champion. She stands 31.5". A little shy, she has been used as a broodmare. She is double registered with the AMHA and AMHR.
Foaled 4/26/002
Foaled 3/13/2008

Davis Rogue
If we are owned, it is by her! What a little Primadonna! She is a correct little overo with blue eyes!
AMHR registered
Nehi Sonnys Tondalayo

This page last modified 1-6-2021
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