Quarter Horse (s)
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1996 Palomino Stallion, 92% Foundation, 14.3 hands, 1200 lbs
Triple Registered and APHA listed
AQHA #3558012, NFQHA #F0006375, PHBA #71271 and APHA Listed Sire # 3558012
How's that for options!
"Tang" is an exceptional stallion that is consistently passing on all the Foundation Attributes; Versatility, Excellent Conformation, Athletic Ability, Balance, Color and a Willing and Intelligent Disposition. "Tang" carries the bloodlines of the legendary Sir Quincy Dan, 9 time Grand Champion and sire of 17 AQHA Champions and 9 World Champions. Also carries the bloodlines of King. Many other greats in his pedigree as well. This guy is really built!! Come see him...you won't be disappointed!

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Page last modified on 9-24-2024
Tangled In Gold
We have sold all of our Quarter Horses except for "Tang"

See a few of Tang's offspring below!
Tang's Whisper to Me. Photo courtesy of Lynn at Saddle Up Training.
Gold Diamond King
Gambling Red Hearts. Owned by Joni Johnson, AZ.

"Spirit", owned by Shana Hardesty.
Gold Diamond Cutter. Owned by Shana Hardesty.
Mare by Tang, courtesy of Terri Johnson
Quincly Royal Tagalong. Photo courtesy Whitney Kennedy
Copy and paste the following link to your browser to see Tang's pedigree: http://www.allbreedpedigree.com/tangled+in+gold
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